Table des matières
Mise en place de la nouvelle infra
opérations du 11/03/2017
Actions planifiées
Departure - 9H31 - Address: Van Nelleweg 1, Rotterdam
Planned tasks there (Tharyrok is the mastermind behind it - I'll be the driver/assistant/pizza delivery guy):
- Backup right –> rsync [bring external disks]
- Shutdown right, and install the IPMI modules on it.
- Deploy proxmox on right
- Setup LADP (link agregation aka bonding) to left 3a. Setup the floating ip (VRRP) 3b. Change the repos to community ones 3c. Setup gluster-fs 3d. Setup 2-nodes quorum 3e. Setup bird + equivalent for keepalived to be setup by Tharyrok | DO NOT START before the VPN vm is ready. 3f. Switch MTU to Jumboframe (9000)
- Deploy a new VM on the right- called vpn - rsync /opt/ispng, transfer the CA – check this TWICE, retrieve slapd and postgresql,
- Deploy a new web VM, rsync /var/www /home/*/.authorized_keys, mysql,
- Deploy a new VM called DNS, rsync /var/spool/bind to /etc/nds/zones-to-be-created ipv4 et ipv6 + modify wash zone 80.?.?.2
- Deploy a new VM called Yunohost with a Debian image
- Shutdown left, backup the VPN and DNS VM's from it, install the IPMi module on it.
- Deploy PRoxmox sur left 9a. bird + equivalent for keepalived to be setup by Tharyrok 9b. gluster-fs 9c. Join Proxmox cluser
- Setup firewalls (iptables 4 the win)
- Install a board to be used as a VPN to access the IPMI modules, with a VPN-server running on it + routing
Tests à faire
- Test fail-over - Beware that all VM's should be on the same host at a given time
- Test reverse DNS
- Test VPN
- Test web sites (main, files, board, wiki,….)
- Test Proxmox access
Des photos pour se rendre compte de ce à quoi ça ressemblait.
<img style=“transform:rotate(90);” src=“” width=“50%”
<img style=“transform:rotate(90);” src=“” width=“50%”
<img style=“transform:rotate(90);” src=“” width=“50%”