====== Mise en place de la nouvelle infra ======
===== opérations du 11/03/2017 =====
# Actions planifiées
Departure - 9H31 - Address: Van Nelleweg 1, Rotterdam
Planned tasks there (Tharyrok is the mastermind behind it - I'll be the
driver/assistant/pizza delivery guy):
1. Backup right --> rsync [bring external disks]
2. Shutdown right, and install the IPMI modules on it.
3. Deploy proxmox on right
30. Setup LADP (link agregation aka bonding) to left
3a. Setup the floating ip (VRRP)
3b. Change the repos to community ones
3c. Setup gluster-fs
3d. Setup 2-nodes quorum
3e. Setup bird + equivalent for keepalived to be setup by
Tharyrok | DO NOT START before the VPN vm is ready.
3f. Switch MTU to Jumboframe (9000)
4. Deploy a new VM on the right- called vpn - rsync /opt/ispng, transfer
the CA -- check this TWICE, retrieve slapd and postgresql,
5. Deploy a new web VM, rsync /var/www /home/*/.authorized_keys, mysql,
6. Deploy a new VM called DNS, rsync /var/spool/bind to
/etc/nds/zones-to-be-created ipv4 et ipv6 + modify wash zone 80.?.?.2
7. Deploy a new VM called Yunohost with a Debian image
8. Shutdown left, backup the VPN and DNS VM's from it, install the IPMi
module on it.
9. Deploy PRoxmox sur left
9a. bird + equivalent for keepalived to be setup by Tharyrok
9b. gluster-fs
9c. Join Proxmox cluser
10. Setup firewalls (iptables 4 the win)
11. Install a board to be used as a VPN to access the IPMI modules, with
a VPN-server running on it + routing
## Tests à faire
- Test fail-over - Beware that all VM's should be on the same host at a
given time
- Test reverse DNS
- Test VPN
- Test web sites (main, files, board, wiki,....)
- Test Proxmox access
# Actions
## Des photos pour se rendre compte de ce à quoi ça ressemblait.