# Reverse DNS ## How to add a PTR record There is a small script that updates the reverse record for a given ip address. It can be called on the VPN VM as ```bash /home/jim/scripts/dns/./dyn-reverse-dns.sh ``` For the moment, the DNS server is (I just set up this argument for more modularity in the future). Example: ```bash /home/jim/scripts/dns/./dyn-reverse-dns.sh brique.e-jim.be ``` It can have those different return codes: - 0 - All went fine, thank you. - 1 - First argument is not a valid IP (either v4 or v6) - 2 - Second argument is not a valid domain name - 3 - The third argument is not a valid DNS server name or IP - 4 - The chosen domain name doesn't resolve into the given IP. [1] - 5 - nsupdate (the tool used behind) returned an error. - 33 - There are less or more than 3 arguments Most of the time, more info can be found in the stdout. I hope this can help someone implement reverse DNS into ISPng (including the needed verification that the user has administrative rights on the IP).